Greek, Assyrian and Pontian Community Organisations Join in Condemning Azerbaijani and Turkish Aggression Against Armenians

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

SYDNEY: The Australian Hellenic Council, Assyrian Universal Alliance and Australian Federation of Pontian Associations have all released powerful statements condemning the use of force and aggression by Azerbaijan and Turkey and supporting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Artsakh, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU).

As fellow descendants of survivors of genocide, these organisations – which represent over a million Greek-Australians, Pontian-Australians and Assyrian-Australians have all clearly called out the unacceptable attacks on Armenian and Artsakh civilian targets by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The Australian Hellenic Council's statement reads: "Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression in the region is alarming and unacceptable." 

Similar to the international community (including Russia Foreign Ministry and the US State Department), the Assyrian Universal Alliance have expressed their concern regarding the provocative involvement of Turkey in the recent escalations initiated by Azerbaijan, which include the deployment of Turkey-backed Jihadists to Baku.

"It is clear that the recent outbreak of violence is part of a deliberate and provocative campaign of incitement by Azerbaijan and Turkish government who is sending mercenaries to Azerbaijan," said Assyrian Universal Alliance Chairman, Hermiz Shahen.

Reports from Azerbaijan indicate that, after starting their aggressive military attacks against civilian targets in Artsakh, almost all social media has been blocked, including Facebook, Youtube and WhatsApp, with the exception of Twitter. In addition, according to human rights and technology watchdog, Access Now, war-mongering fundamentalist dictator President Ilham Aliyev has now also shut down the internet also.

The purpose of this is clear in that President Aliyev is known for his abuse of the platform by using 'troll factories' to spread state-sponsored propaganda, while shielding his population from the reporting of truth.

The Australian Federation of Pontian Associations elucidates this fact in noting that: "We also recognise the ‘untruths’, language and control tactics used by the offenders to start an offensive against innocent people and their right to a peaceful existence as well as the partnership and involvement of a historic bully and perpetrator of genocide."

The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) welcomed the letters of support from the Greek, Assyrian and Pontian community organisations. 

"We thank our brothers and sisters from these communities and their leadership for supporting the security of Armenia and Artsakh from the aggressive and violent actions of Azerbaijan and Turkey," said ANC-AU Executive Director, Haig Kayserian.