Hagop Kortian Scholarship Recipient Begins Internship at Office of Australian MP

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

SYDNEY & CANBERRA: The recipient of the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) Internship Program's 2019 Hagop Kortian Scholarship, Siranush Massih, has begun three months of frontline work experience in the office of a Federal Parliamentarian to help support her ambition of a career in politics.

The ANC-AU has placed Massih, who recently completed her Bachelor of Public Communications (Public Relations and Social and Political Science) degree at UTS, in the office of the Federal Member for Mackellar, Jason Falinski MP, who also Chairs the Australian Parliament's House Standing Committee on Tax & Revenue.

Massih, who was part of the 2019 ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program before applying for the Hagop Kortian Scholarship, will divide her time serving Falinski in both Sydney and Canberra over the forthcoming three months. She will also spend part of that time interning in the National Head Office of the Armenian National Committee of Australia.

The ANC-AU Internship Program's Hagop Kortian Scholarship will cover her costs during her placement, including transport, travel, accommodation and associated expenses.

"I want to thank the Armenian National Committee of Australia and the Kortian family for the honour of receiving the Hagop Kortian Scholarship," Massih said.

"I feel privileged that ANC-AU lined up my internship with Mr. Jason Falinski. He's an MP I have a lot of respect for, and I look forward to learning from him and his staff over the coming three months."

"I also look forward to spending part of that time in the office of the Armenian National Committee of Australia, where I will be part of the defence of the Armenian Cause and advocate for issues important to our community."

ANC-AU Executive Director Haig Kayserian congratulated Massih and thanked the Kortian family.

"The Kortian family is committed to honouring the memory of their late father, grandfather, and husband Hagop, who was one of the founding forces of Hai Tad in Australia, to enable more Armenians into the world of politics," Kayserian said.

"Through their support of Siranush Massih following her dream, and their past support of the ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program, they have proven true to that commitment, and for that, we thank them and congratulate Siranush for receiving the 2019 Hagop Kortian Scholarship."

Dr. Tro Kortian also conveyed warm congratulations to Siranush Massih on behalf of the extended Kortian family.

"Siranush's application was strong, and her desire to enter a career in politics as a young Armenian-Australian woman is something my family is delighted to support," said Kortian.



Candidates for the ANC-AU Internship Program’s Hagop Kortian Scholarship should email their applications to interns@anc.org.au including:

  1. a current Curriculum Vitae (CV) with full contact details.

  2. a personal statement, no longer than 1000 words, that answers the following question: What do you hope to learn during your proposed internship with a Federal politician, and how will you use your acquired skills and ideas to further Hai Tad (the Armenian Cause) in your own community or campus?

  3. at least one letter of recommendation from an individual, not related to you, with knowledge of your abilities and qualifications.

The ANC-AU Internship Program's
Hagop Kortian Scholarship was established in 2018 and is a long-term commitment from the family, and in memory, of one of the founding forces of Hai Tad in Australia and founding member of ANC-AU.

The annual Scholarship totalling $10,000 is funded by the proceeds of the Hagop and Makrouhy Kortian Endowment Fund established in their honour by their sons and their families. Part of the Hagop Kortian Scholarship funded the 2018 and 2019 ANC-AU Young Advocates Program in Canberra.